Advent Week 4

Scripture Readings:

Old Testament: Isaiah 7:14

New Testament: Matthew 1:18—25 & Revelation 21:1—5


I had a dream recently where I was alone and lost at sea. I aimlessly drifted further away in my boat. The nautical miles between myself and the shore were immeasurable, as I had been on this journey for a very long time. I searched for adventure and yearned for belonging with no destination in sight. I didn't feel troubled or afraid. The sea was calm and I wasn't aware of approaching storms. The strange thing about this voyage was that I could also feel my body standing on the shore. At the same exact time while I was in the boat, I could feel the sand and shells under my feet as I gazed out to sea. It was only my longing heart that was on the boat. Being in two places, I felt the great chasm of disconnect, a gap so far and wide that only God could fill it. How could I possibly be separated from the only thing that brought life? How would I once again become whole? 

Isn't this a picture of humanity? We are lost and disconnected. We seek after what we do not know. Even though God is close, our hearts remain distant and set on their own course. We have lost our way. God has always had a plan to redeem and restore humanity to himself. He sees the absolute value in what appears forgotten and hopeless. He is the vision caster, the wind in our sails and the vehicle to get there. Only God can create the adventure our longing hearts desire, yet be our safe harbor in the storms. "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Look!" God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:3-4 

God is our true hope. His desire is to be with us and live in us. He didn't bring salvation in the form of fire and earthquakes. He didn't demonstrate his power with force and destruction, although our sin certainly deserved such a penalty. Instead, hope entered the world as the most vulnerable and fragile being in all of creation. Hope was unblemished and holy, yet needed to be formed in a mother's womb, to be held close and cradled in loving arms. Hope was protected and guarded until his day had come to selflessly and sacrificially give up his life in exchange for ours."The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means"God with us"). Matthew 1:23 

The Lord made Jesus to become our everlasting hope. It is solely because of him that we get to partake in this great adventure with our Creator. We are in his eyes, the most prized and beloved possession, a glorious bride adorned with beauty. Jesus redeemed the relationship that was held captive through sin and death. He is always present when we are far away. He bridges the gap between our wild hearts and his Holy Spirit. He allows our longing hearts to drift out to sea, but gently pulls us back to his safe harbor. Our sole purpose is to seek him and do his will. This promise of eternal fellowship is our true hope.


-Missy Steward


This week read the Christmas Story! Nothing complicated or fancy, just find time to sit down and read through the Christmas story. It could be alone during your quiet time, with your family or loved ones before a meal or as you put your kids to bed on Christmas Eve. Whatever versions that you have is fine, but read through the story of how God gave the greatest gift ever given… the gift of a savior!